The year is looking Promising.
It’s been a month since I dropped a piece here. In my last article, I gave a run-through about how my 2023 went and how much I was looking forward to the new year.
The year is looking promising, but yet very overwhelming. From properly settling well into other engagements, to ensuring that products meets deadline for launch, to ensuring that the community I lead is doing excellently well. It’s been a lot on my plate literally, but I’ve been trying to find a balance in this process.
What have I been up to?
- Driving the go-to live of an HR-tech solution: Main focus as regards to this Human resource management solution is to get it live to the company’s identified early adopters (we’re Live!). Like I mentioned in my previous article, it’s one of the most complex solutions I’ve ever worked on, so I’ve been actively involved in building User and Role Management features to support this solution, so it can accommodate and efficiently manage permissions and roles within the platform. And Ohh! I’d say the AUMS is a bit robust as it also contains Segregation of duties on permissions. I’ve been leading my team in order to ensure we take the product to the hands of early adopters so as to start getting real time feedback from them.
- Leading and managing developers at the Ed-tech Engineering company: I tweeted about how managing almost 100 devs can be difficult Lool. A quick background to this is that, one of my key responsibilities at this startup is to ensure developers that have graduated from the organization who are yet to be placed to opportunities get the means to up-skill themselves in the initiative that I am in. And the main part where I come in is grouping them into clusters and making them have access to projects that they can build within their group, whilst performing all sprint rituals. Almost 100 devs is a lot right? Thats literally one of the second most challenging things I’ve done so far in my career, a third one closer to it would have been me leading an NGO community! Well, next to it..
- Driving and leading projects at Technoobng community: I’m sure one or two of you reading this may know me through Technoobng! Lool. Yes, when Tobi told me about the idea around technoobng almost a year ago, i was really excited because Empowering people with Tech skills and ability to influence people positively has always been my passion. Looking at how much impact we’ve made in such a short time keeps me excited and eager to see more of what’s next. This year has been a lot of restragizing, leading and also ensuring that projects stay on track. We’re currently running a free Product Management Masterclass for PM newbies which is being facilitated by one of my dearest mentees! We’ve also been actively trying to push out the second version of our e-learning platform before the end of Q1. Lastly, we’ve started looking into resources required for our Mentorship program, so it’s been alot here.
- Prioritizing and fostering my mental health: You know even if the year is looking promising but yet challenging, and overwhelming I always ensure to prioritize my mental health. I started tracking my mood this year with a mood tracker app and the plan is to consciously work on my mood swings. I’ve been staying offline more often than usual, well sometimes it isn’t intentional but it’s mostly because I have had a lot of things to work on in recent times. I sleep better now, and my anxiety has improved over time, even though sometimes it feels all over the place. And lastly, I’ve been swimming more often to help me relax and destress.
Oh, I’m not going to forget to mention that I spoke at a MedinTech community webinar late January. They’re a community where undergraduates in Healthcare who have interest in Health-tech, can connect with experts and build their career in tech. It felt fulfilling and good for me facilitating that webinar and speaking to Techies on How to find their foot into product management, and the impact of product management in Healthcare, considering that one of my major goals this year is to delve further into health-tech and help people get into product management.
Looking at my Q1, here’s some key items I hope to achieve by the end of Q1.
- Drive go to live of a Health-tech project I’m working on.
- Superhead a Product Management Mentoring Program at Technoobng
- Get grounded in product analysis
- Iterating and working on feedback gotten from early adopters of the HR solution.
- Help more PM newbies get access to internships.
That’s all for now here. How is the year looking like for you? What goals have you been looking forward to smashing?
As much as we want to get things right, it’s important to take breaks when needed and prioritizing your mental health is key.
Till you hear from me again, but I actually have something coming up before February ends. This is for newbies looking to starting their journey into Product Management.
Stay tuned!😊